The internet is essential to the world we live in, and we must adapt. 

4th November 2021


According to the UK Wireless Internet Service Provider Association (UK WISPA), ‘times have changed, and we may not like it, but we must adapt.’ As we are continuing to live our lives in the new normal, more households are using the internet for work, school, and entertainment. ‘The internet is now essential to the world we live in as we increasingly rely on services like food and grocery delivery services.’ Learn more about the new changes from UK WISPA. 

 Due to the increased demand, those still connected to older satellite and DSL connections are no longer up to task, making it ‘virtually impossible to work from home,’ and as more people use up the bandwidth, these connections will become increasingly worse.

The solution? Fixed wireless internet!

Fixed wireless internet is ‘high speed internet which is transmitted to your house from a local tower, unlike satellite which must travel to space and back.’ Wireless is just as easy to install as satellite and is much faster, with (typically) less data restrictions. With fixed wireless, you can work, study, order groceries and keep entertained, all from your home with no disruptions!

If your current internet provider is not meeting your needs and expectations, give us a call on 01603 904040 to speak to our friendly team to find out your options with WiSpire where we can provide you with fast and reliable internet for both homes and businesses! InTouch Systems is a UK WISPA Quality Assured ISP

We also provide Unbreakable Internet which is a failsafe solution for your Wi-Fi starting from just £25 per month which ensures that if your internet drops or becomes intermittent, your connection will seamlessly move over to the 4G connection built into your router. Click here to find out more.

InTouch Systems is based in Norwich and focused on the East of England, contact us now on 01603 904040 or to find out more about fast, reliable internet services available to you.