fair usage policy


Why does Wispire have a fair usage policy and what does it mean?


Firstly it’s worth noting that for unlimited packages we never cut you off, or stop you from accessing the Internet, the unlimited package is unlimited.

We endeavour to run our WISP network to be fair to everybody, not just for the benefit of a few high traffic users. With this in mind, we have to implement safeguards to ensure that the capacity we provide is not compromised.

On a daily basis we monitor the amount of data used as a whole and can see the busy and quiet times over every period of the month. From this we can work out when certain usage patterns will become a problem for others. This is where the Fair Usage Policy comes into play. Coupled with the usage calculations we come to an amount of data across the unlimited packages which we deem as fair.

Once a user has reached this threshold then the speed of their connection is dropped to a level which will not impact the overall network. Again, it’s worth noting that it is not dropped to an unusable level – we deem a usable level to be at least enough to stream standard definition television and to provide a level of online gaming.

For the purpose of transparency, you can view/print the current levels from the document below (note this may change from time to time and the current version will be published on this page):

